F*ck off, Piers Morgan

I'm less of a man for carrying my baby? Fuck off, Piers.

Should I give up gaming now I’m a dad?

Before I answer the question, I need to take you back to the start. Because only when you understand what gaming is to me, can you understand the argument. After checking half way through, it's a long one, so make yourself a tea and sit back! My gaming life I've been a gamer for as … Continue reading Should I give up gaming now I’m a dad?

A letter to my wife on her first Mother’s Day

To the most wonderful woman in the world, Today is your very first Mother's Day. For the first time, you will wake up not thinking about making breakfast for your mum. Instead, you'll be sat in bed awaiting breakfast yourself. Okay, Raife's a bit too small to make it himself just yet, but you get … Continue reading A letter to my wife on her first Mother’s Day

A letter to my 3 month old son

Dear Raife, Today, you are 15 weeks old. Fifteen weeks ago, when you were born, you changed my life forever. I have cried more times in the past year than I had done in the last 15. I cried when your mum told me we were going to have you. I cried when we found … Continue reading A letter to my 3 month old son